Why Phones SHOULD Be Banned By Liana

Task Description: Recently I have been writing about why phones should be banned and why it is good that they are banned. Like I said in the end of my writing piece, phones have there advantages and disadvantages but I overall think that they would be better used outside of school to avoid problems in the learning process and social interactions. It may be easier to access things in your phones such as online books, educational apps and more which I completely agree with but that doesn’t get rid of the bigger problems. Here is my writing on why phones should be banned from schools.


Why Phones Should Be Banned 

By Liana


In a move to promote a more focused learning environment, the New Zealand Ministry of Education has announced that mobile phones will be prohibited in all schools starting from Term 2 2024. While some parents and teachers have welcomed this decision, seeing the benefits of reduced distractions and increased student engagement, others have expressed concerns about the impact on student safety and the need for effective communication in case of emergencies. 


Overall, this change marks a shift in the use of technology in schools and has sparked a lively debate about the role of phones in education. Here is why I think phones should be banned from schools.


The use of phones in schools can negatively impact educational progress and mental well-being as they cause distractions during class, which can hinder learning outcomes and participation. 

It has been scientifically proven that cell phones are highly addictive. Social media platforms, in particular, are designed to send notifications that activate the brain’s dopamine system, which can affect mood, feelings, and learning. This creates a loop of addictive behavior, making us check our phones and eventually end up watching Tik Tok or just scrolling through Instagram, among other things. Unfortunately, these distractions can negatively affect our ability to learn and grow.

Using cellphones both in and out of school can have a significant impact on the brain as it is addictive and affects sleep rhythms which leads to bad sleep. This can have a big impact on mental health, without proper sleep, the brain has a harder time absorbing and recalling information. As a result, educational progress and learning outcomes may be affected. It is important to be mindful of the impact cell phone usage can have on our mental and physical health, and to find ways to minimize distractions and improve our sleep habits.


Another issue that is often related to distractions is cheating. Students are often tempted to cheat with their phones, which creates an unfair learning environment. A reliable source of information that can provide answers to any question is right in the palm of their hands. This can lead to a culture of cheating, where students feel pressure to cheat rather than study because their peers are doing so. Cheating not only ruins the reputations of the students involved but also the school itself, affecting people who have nothing to do with cheating.


 Not only that but, unequal access to technology can create a significant gap in a learning environment, hindering the ability of certain individuals to keep up with their peers. More specifically, individuals who cannot afford to own phones may face an increased sense of exclusion and isolation from the rest of the group. This can lead to feeling a lower sense of self-worth, which can negatively impact their overall learning experience.

Humans have a natural need to belong and feel accepted by their peers. The inability to own a phone can create a sense of disconnection, which can affect an individual’s ability to form relationships with others. This can lead to a further sense of isolation and make it even more difficult for them to engage in the learning process.

Furthermore, the need to “fit in” with the rest of the group can become a priority for people who feel excluded. This can lead to a temptation to engage in negative behaviors to gain approval, such as cheating or copying assignments. This can further complicate the problem and create an even greater divide between those who have phones and those who do not.

Things like this often lead back to bullying. With phones at hand, people harass others on the internet without teachers or any adult knowing. Studies have shown that cyberbullying has increased 55% since 2015 and more than tripled since 2007, cyberbullying is a weapon to hurt people not physically, but mentally. 


Online harassment can be used to threaten people, call them names, embarrass them and more. According to the Global Education Monitoring System, banning phones from schools has shown major improvement on academic performance especially for low performing students.

As for emergencies, if there is an emergency inside school either use the school phone or the teachers. Using your own phone is easier but that doesn’t mean it’s hard to ask teachers to use their phones for emergencies. But to relieve the concerns of parents, if there is an emergency after school then find help within your surroundings, for instance, running to someone for help or maybe inside the nearest shop. 

Phones have their advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, they can be used as a helpful educational tool, and it’s reassuring for parents to know that their kids have their phones with them. But on the other hand, phones can be emotionally draining and a major distraction. Overall, phones are suitable for using at home and outside of school. However, they may not be the best option for use inside the classroom or school grounds.


Caring For My Chromebook By Liana

Task Description: For todays cybersmart task we had to watch a video about some kids treating there chromebooks with respect and showing kawa of care. Once we’ve watched the video we had to take a screenshot from the video and insert in a slide to match the caption above. If you don’t understand, view my work! Here is my cybersmart work.

Phone’s Being BANNED From Schools By Liana & Zurielle

Task Description: Zuri and I have worked together and added some reasons on why phones should and shouldn’t be prohibited from schools. My overall opinion on phones being banned from school is positive, I think that it’s good they have been banned not only due mental health but also because it is a huge distraction not to mention theft. Here is our writing on phones being banned both positive and negative points of view.


Why Phones should be Banned at Schools

The use of phones in schools can have a large impact on the academic performance and overall well-being of students. One of the most significant negative effects of phones is the distraction they provide. During classes, students can be drawn away from the lesson by notifications, messages, alerts, or just boredom. This can lead to a lack of focus, missed information, and decreased socialization.


Another concerning issue with phones is the easy access to information, which can lead to cheating during exams. With the large amount of information available at their fingertips, students may be tempted to cheat, which is unfair to those who have studied. Cheating can also damage the integrity of the students and their education. It can also damage the school’s reputation leading to distrust and skepticism among students and teachers.


In addition to academic concerns, the use of phones can also have negative effects on mental health. Cyberbullying and other forms of online harassment have increased in recent years, and phones provide a platform for such behavior to be published. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, which can have long-term negative effects on students.


Finally, excessive phone use has been linked to poor sleep quality, which can have a serious impact on academic performance. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the body’s natural sleep rhythms, leading to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. This can lead to exhaustion, decreased productivity, and poor academic performance.


In light of these concerns, banning phones in schools can be a crucial step toward creating a more focused, productive, and healthy learning environment. By removing the source of distraction, promoting honesty and integrity, and reducing the potential for cyberbullying, schools can create a safer and more supportive environment for students. Overall, by improving sleep quality, students can feel more rested and alert, leading to improved academic performance and overall well-being for their future.


Why Phones shouldn’t be Banned at Schools

Firstly, phones can be a valuable tool for learning. With access to the internet, students can effortlessly research information and broaden their knowledge about a topic. This can help them better understand the material being taught, leading to improved academic performance.


Secondly, phones can provide a sense of security. In case of an emergency, students can use their phones to contact authorities or family members for help. This can provide peace of mind for both students and parents, ensuring their safety.


Finally, phones can help students stay connected with friends and family. This is important for their socialization and overall well-being, especially in today’s world where social connections have become more important than ever.


While there are concerns about the use of phones in schools, a balanced approach with clear guidelines and restrictions can help change any negative effects while allowing students to benefit from the advantages that phones offer. Therefore, it is essential to consider both sides of the argument before making any decisions regarding their use.

– Liana and Zurielle

Term 2 Goals By Liana

So far this year has been good, I have enjoyed hanging out with my friends and meeting new people. One of my goals for this term is to not only become more confident but also to step out my comfort zone and socialize with people I wouldn’t normally talk to. Another one of my goals is to improve academically and really challenge myself with difficult questions and complex equations. For now these are my only goals for term 2 but hopefully I achieve these goals have a spectacular year!

Task Description: Team Tui has recently been working on not spoken word but spoken word art. Basically what we had to do was copy and paste our writing onto a google drawing, next we had to put photos/drawing related to the topic around our writing. Since my poem is more metaphoric and about a withered tree that has reblossomed I drew a leafless tree and a cherry tree. Here is my art.

The Blossom After I Withered (Spoken Word Poem) By Liana

Description: Recently Team Tui has been focussing on writing spoken word poems. A spoken word poem is when you write a poem that is like a speech based on global issues (most of the time). I chose to write on mental health specifically on someone griveing after a loss of a loved one. I wanted to make it a bit harder and made it a metaphoric poem (based on a tree after it’s withered) which explains why the title is “The Blossom After I Withered”. My poem isn’t much of a spoken word poem due to the poem being rather sad and subtle. Either way, here is my spoken word poem.


The Blossom after I Withered 


I’ve withered

My leaves slowly falling off one by one 

And yet I’m still here, year after year

As the seasons go by

Time tends to fly

But why can’t the memory of summer disappear?

Why does it always appear?

Reality has lost its power even earth is holding its breath

Why did it have to be such a sudden death?

The pain my roots have carried

Feeling rather harried 

The burden my trunk has carried 

Everything has my roots serried

When everything seems over 

There grows a clover 

 Who would have thought something so tiny would have grown over my life?

The clover waved with a warm smile 

I haven’t felt such warmth in a while

As each day went by, the clover smiled over at me 

I felt as green as a lea

Before I knew, I blossomed, I blossomed into a cherry tree

Just as I used to be 

Who would have thought one tiny clover would be the reason I blossomed

After I withered 


By Liana ♡

Vocab Pyramids By Liana

Task Description: Team has recently been doing word pyramids! If you don’t know what a word pyramid is its basically where you have a pyramid with the word on top then underneath is the definition of the word like then you have to use the word in a sentence and at last you have to find synonyms of the word (words that mean the same thing) here are my word pyramids!

Inferences By Liana

Task Description: Today I watched a video on what inferences are. Since I finished all my work I did some Monday must-do’s and one of the things I had to do was watch a video on inferences then write on my blog what and inference is. An inference is when you take a bunch of clues and make a guess based on those clues. Here is a example of an inference, lets say you ask your mum for a pet fish but she says no, after a little while you decide to check the shopping list to see what your mum is buying and on the list is say tank, coral and pebbles. you put all these clues together and then realize that you are getting a pet fish Thats a good example on making and inference. In shorter terms, and inference is when you make a guess. That is my short summary on what an inference is.

That Was Christmas By Liana

Task Description: Recently Team Tui has finished writing about our Christmas/Summer. We have all came up with different types of pieces about both Summer and Christmas. I had created a poem based on Christmas and what I have done. Even though Christmas was almost a normal day for me I tried to make as Christmasy as possible. Here is my writing! :))


That Was Christmas By Liana


Have you ever felt Christmas? 

Sure you have!

Remember the jolly feeling when Christmas came around

The excitement when opening up your presents, eager to see what you have been gifted.

The contentment when you unwrapped your presents

The warm fuzzy feeling when you drank hot chocolate in front of the fireplace.

That was Christmas


Have you ever heard Christmas?

Sure you have!

Remember listening to Christmas carols on repeat 

The sound of the rain pattering down 

The trees rustling as the wind forcefully sways

The sound of laughter echoing 

That was Christmas


Have you ever smelt Christmas?

Sure you have! 

Remember the smell of home cooked food?

The pleasant aroma filling up the room creating a different kind of warmth

The smell of spices and herbs mixed together

The smell of happiness

That was Christmas


Have you ever tasted Christmas?

Sure you have!

Remember the taste of warm home cooked food?

The flavors popping in your mouth 

Your taste buds opening as you process your food

The taste of love being the best flavor yet

That was Christmas




Shapes By Liana

Task Description: Recently Team Tui has been learning about shapes. When I say shapes I don’t mean learning about what a triangle is or what a circle is we all know about that stuff. We were learning about how many edges, sides, faces, angles and how many triangles can fit in the shapes we have selected.

You may be thinking, triangles? Well we learned that every shape with straight sides can fit triangles in them! Not only that but we learned that there is a way on telling how many triangles can fit in one shape! There is basically a rule, the rule is you have to two by the number of edges/sides. Not only that but there is also a way you can caculate the angles! Basically you just have to times the number of triangles by 180 degrees. Enough writing, Here is my work!!